RN seeking CNA instructor certification for Indiana


hi I am a registered nurse in Indiana and I would like to become a CNA instructor. How do I go about doing that who do I contact where are these certification courses offered I cannot find anything on the internet for Indiana I find it for other states but not for Indiana does anybody know where these courses are offered the certification program. I would greatly appreciate any feedback

Sorry about the run on sentence. I was using the voice text on my phone. forgot about punctuation.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

ISDH: Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) Registration Program

I found this page in the Health Department website that seems like what you might need.

Thank you very much for the info!

I'm looking for a course to become an instructor of CNA's

in Indiana. I'm a RN.

Thank you.

Hey Emma2015 I am also interested I live in Indiana also- please let me know what you find out- you can email me

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

I know what you are looking for- scroll down the page. The link I posted has the phone number of the person in charge of all CNA education and licensing activities in the state.

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