Published Feb 18, 2006
14 Posts
I was in a car accident back in 2/05. As a result, I have a perm disability that states I can't lift greater than 15# with my right arm that results in my elbow above my shoulder. Basically, anything that causes the ligaments along the right side of my neck/clavicle to "stress".
I only graduated with my ADN in 2002. I worked in cardiac progressive care for 2 years after graduation. After that, I transferred to our home health department. I was on my way to see a patient when I hit black ice and slide into oncoming traffic.
The end result, I can't do floor nursing or home care ever again. I am searching for a career direction. I am scheduled to begin completion of my BSN in August/06. I have almost 10 years of general mgmt experience prior to becoming a nurse.
One of the things I have found is a program to get my CLNC. Does anyone know anything about that?
What about nursing informatics?
Any other suggestions would be great appreciated!!
Oh, I have checked physician offices. They don't seem to hire RN's in this area unless they can assist in surgery or are rounding nurses. I have been told I didn't get in enough experience prior to the accident.
17 Articles; 45,841 Posts
i was in a car accident back in 2/05. as a result, i have a perm disability that states i can't lift greater than 15# with my right arm that results in my elbow above my shoulder. basically, anything that causes the ligaments along the right side of my neck/clavicle to "stress". i only graduated with my adn in 2002. i worked in cardiac progressive care for 2 years after graduation. after that, i transferred to our home health department. i was on my way to see a patient when i hit black ice and slide into oncoming traffic. the end result, i can't do floor nursing or home care ever again. i am searching for a career direction. i am scheduled to begin completion of my bsn in august/06. i have almost 10 years of general mgmt experience prior to becoming a nurse. one of the things i have found is a program to get my clnc. does anyone know anything about that?what about nursing informatics?any other suggestions would be great appreciated!!oh, i have checked physician offices. they don't seem to hire rn's in this area unless they can assist in surgery or are rounding nurses. i have been told i didn't get in enough experience prior to the accident.
i only graduated with my adn in 2002. i worked in cardiac progressive care for 2 years after graduation. after that, i transferred to our home health department. i was on my way to see a patient when i hit black ice and slide into oncoming traffic.
the end result, i can't do floor nursing or home care ever again. i am searching for a career direction. i am scheduled to begin completion of my bsn in august/06. i have almost 10 years of general mgmt experience prior to becoming a nurse.
one of the things i have found is a program to get my clnc. does anyone know anything about that?
what about nursing informatics?
any other suggestions would be great appreciated!!
oh, i have checked physician offices. they don't seem to hire rn's in this area unless they can assist in surgery or are rounding nurses. i have been told i didn't get in enough experience prior to the accident.
hello, coldhandsrn,
click on the legal nursing forum for more information about this career choice.
also, check out this thread in that forum:
legal nurse consulting and marketing ideas
you will find helpful links in the above thread about clnc (certification by the vicky milazzo program) and others like aalnc (american association of legal nurse consultants) certification (lncc).
click on the link for the nursing informatics forum:
i wish you luck in whatever you decide.