Published Aug 23, 2014
dinah77, ADN
530 Posts
Hello, I am A RN about to start my 1st job in post-partum.Eventually I will be cross trained in L&D and NICU. I'm excited as I have always wanted to be an L&D nurse, but I am most recently coming from a Tele step down unit, which is obviously very different. Any tips as I transition?
klone, MSN, RN
14,856 Posts
Welcome and congrats on the new job! There are lots of threads in this forum that address this very issue, as it seems to be a common question.
HomeGrownMichiganRN, ADN
105 Posts
I am in the same boat. Just accepted a job in OB where I will be cross-trained for everything. I have been checking the boards for posts about this for days and have yet to come upon one that is relevant to our situation that is not years old. Hopefully more people will respond.
Here are a few threads from the past few months with advice to nurses new to OB/L&D: