RN to MSN Programs

RN to MSN programs directly bridge RNs with diplomas and associate degrees to the master's degree level (master of science in nursing degree). These type programs require licensure as a registered nurse, a certain amount of bedside work experience (usually 1 or 2 years), GRE or MAT (with minimum specified score, completed either before entry or at halfway point of program), and a GPA of 2.5 to 3.0 or higher. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

As in RN-BSN programs, certain prerequisite courses must be completed before being admitted into RN-MSN programs. Specific requirements vary by institution and the student's previous course work.

According to the AACN, there are currently 160 RN-MSN programs available nationwide. The number of RN to MSN programs has more than doubled over the past 15 years, from 70 programs in 1994 to the 160 programs today.

These programs facilitate the transition to the graduate nursing degree level with minimal repetition of courses and maximal flexibility for learners. Some RN to MSN programs are offered in an entirely online format; others are a blend of traditional classroom and online courses.

There are clinical requirements (clinical practicum, etc.) that often may be completed in the student's local community.

RN to MSN programs generally require about 3 years to complete for the fulltime student. These programs combine 1 year of an RN-BSN program with 2 years of graduate study. Baccalaureate content is built into the beginning of the program and graduate specialty course work in the latter part of the program.

Duplicate courses (such as nursing issues) that appear in both BSN and MSN programs (around 6 to 9 semester hours) are deleted from the curriculum. Upon completion, some programs award both the baccalaureate and master's degree, but some only award a master's degree.

Several years ago, one of my good friends completed an ADN to MSN program and is a successful family nurse practitioner today. She worked night shift and during "slow" shifts would work on her course requirements. It took her about 4 or 5 years to finish, as she was a part-time student.


RN to master's degree programs

Schools offering rn to master's programs, fall 2008

Does anyone know if the gpa considered for admission for RN-MSN programs is the gpa from nursing school only or from your total undergrad studies?

Hello all nurses, are you able to take MSN without passing the nclex yet?