RN for job/money stability or follow my dream of becoming a vet?


I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on my current situation...

I'm halfway through my Biology degree, my first year was absolutely horrendous (didn't fail any classes but due to some personal issue I definitely did not do well) I redeemed myself in my second year with a 79% average, however my cumulative GPA is still bad at a 2.98. My dream is to become a Veterinarian however it is extremely difficult to get in to, there are 20 spots reserved a year for applicants in my province. I decided to apply to nursing school (BSN) and was lucky enough to get (70 out of 700 applicants) however the closer I get to starting the more and more unsure I am of my decision. I have three options:

- Take the risk and continue with my Biology degree and apply to vet school (admissions stats show that the average person admitted has an 80% average and 1/3 is based on your best academic year 2/3 on your overall)

- Go to nursing school for job security and the money (entry level wage is $60,000 a year and job prospects are very good in my province) though I am not passionate about nursing and feel that I will be unhappy.

- Do well in nursing school, apply to vet school with a nursing degree if I don't get in work as a nurse.

So basically it comes down to taking that small chance I will get in or settling for a career that I feel I will be miserable in but will have financial security.

If it were up to you what would you choose?

Specializes in psych.

Personally, I would take the chance. Why set yourself up if you already think you would be miserable in nursing? You don't want to be totally miserable going to work each day. It makes for an awful life all around. You will be crabby at home, crabby at work, and just in general crabby all around. For what, money? Life is way more than just that. Going in with an attitude that you will already dislike it seems defeatist. Why not try for the thing you really want and love? As I was told once, if you really want something then you will find a way to make it happen. Good luck to you!

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