RN generic full Time fall 2014- Miami dade college

U.S.A. Florida


I'm applying for the Generic Full Time RN program for fall 2014 (August). I took my NLN Pax exam already and got an overall score of 143. Curious if this will be goof enough to get in? Can't find any stats since the previous test was the TEAS... Looking forward to hearing back from anyone else that has taken the test already. Thx.

Sooooooo, I took the NLN exam today and all though I studied so hard it was still difficult. Not because of the material, but because of the TIME. I ran out of time on all of the sections except for the Science which was my favorite section because it was a breeze for me because I focused all my studying on the science material. Hopefully my score is enough to get me into the program! Good luck to everyone who has not taken the test yet. Focus on completing all the questions in a good amount of time. Time is definitely the enemy. :(

I take mine on the 26th. What did .... how was the science? Was there alot of physics in the science portion? What did you score?

The ratio for entrance into the program is not as high so dont stress too much

Does anyone know how many seats are available for each generic and accelerated? I think I read 50 somewhere but I'm not sure.

Specializes in Critical Care.

i think there are 150 seat 50 for each selection

Hi Joelle

I scored 151. Everything was pretty much straight forward. If you study from the suggested book you should be in good shape because it was exactly the same material. No trick questions so don't second guess yourself. I hope my score is good enough to get me in because I made 2 Bs in my science pre-reqs. Though the rest are As, I here it's very competitive. There were a lot of questions based on all the laws in physics so be sure to know Charles, Boyle's, Newtons and all things to do with waves. Physics is heavily in the science portion with just a few anatomy and physiology. Good Luck!

The ratio for entrance into the program is not as high so dont stress too much

Call me a blonde, but what does this mean??? 0_o

Specializes in Critical Care.

Can you tell me something about the vocabulary section.. where the words easy....

The words were easy because they are familiar. Study the words in all of the practice tests in the book and you'll be ok. I wished I studied them more than I would've done better in that section.

By the way I don't know how true this is, but I heard 50 seats for AO, 150 seats for FT and 50seats for PT. hopefully it's true :)

Specializes in Critical Care.

Yeahh the vocabulary is a killer

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