Returning to Nursing after Time off due to death in the family


Specializes in Skilled Nursing and Rehab.

Hello, everyone! I am an RN in New Jersey, Bachelor's Prepared from Jefferson University in philadelphia. I worked for one year at a skilled nursing rehab, but then, tragically, my brother passed away suddenly and I had to stop working in nursing for a period of 2 years. I really like being a nurse, and love science, but I find myself ridden with anxiety when I think of practicing. First off, its hard to find a job-new grad, very little experience, no acute care,and lack of employment for two years. Does anyone have an experience like this? I would really like to have a refresher course first-something more than the CEUs required every two years to renew the license. Even if I wanted to do insurance, they want several years of acute care experience. I am afraid employers will not understand my time off and question my competency. Thank you for any supportive responses :)

Carol Joy

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

Call the local nursing school and see if they know of any refresher classes in your area. Other than that just go for it. Network if you have any old nursing school buds working at places where you want to work....

Ocean county college I know have an RN refresher course that starts in February. Give em a call.

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