Published May 3, 2016
29 Posts
So I've been considering retaking the teas to improve my score. I got 72% on my first attempt, but would like to get a higher score so I'll have a higher chance of getting into a nursing program (I've already applied and been selected as an alternate, but my ranking is too high. Therefore, I have to reapply). Here are my scores for the teas:
-reading: 57.1%
-English and language: 66.7%
-math: 83.3%
-science: 81.3%
adjusted individual total score: 72.0%
Obviously, I need to work on my english and reading but how do I do that exactly? I purchased the study manual and a 5-practice test book, but it wasn't helpful in the end. I've studied for a few months in advance. Studying the study manual and taking the practice tests wasn't particularly difficult, but when it came to the actual exam I found it quite difficult to comprehend. Are there any tips for me to improve my english and reading? I'm not too worried about the math and science section.
To be quite honest, I was never good in English when I was young. I was placed in an average level of English reading in elementary school. I switched to another school and that school had, I believe, 8 different english-reading level and I was placed at the fourth level. However, my brother (he's a year older) is smarter and was placed in level 6. I eventually moved my way up to level 7. Then during sophomore year, I received a score of 358 on the english-reading portion of the cahsee and 368 on the math portion. I know that no one will be able to help me and English-reading is just something I'm going to have to know on my own. Usually when I'm reading something, instead of focusing on what I'm reading I'm just reading it without fully understanding it. I'm gonna have to find a way somehow. Any suggestions? The new teas version is coming out (I don't remember when) and I'm not sure if I should purchase it or not since I didn't find the study manual to be helpful at all (This is just from my experience). Any kind of help is appreciated. I'm so sorry for making this long, but I want to thank you if you had read it all till the end. Thank you for reading this!