Published Jul 13, 2016
4 Posts
I'm applying for my dream job! I really really want this job and have since I was a child. It's in an OBGYN clinic with assisting in gestational diabetes and fertility. My RN experience is in Neuroscience, spine, and inpatient rehabilitation so I really need to use the experience I have to somehow show that I am a strong candidate even without OBGYN experience. I tried to focus on experience with people, providing education to patients and leadership skills. Thus far, have I gotten anywhere near that? It's been so long since I've done a resume and cover letter. All constructive feedback welcome and I would be forever grateful. I realize there are grammatical errors but when I copied and pasted it made it sloppy so please look over those. Just looking for content feedback at the moment. Thank you
Resume (part of it):
To obtain a full time position as a Registered Nurse in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Clinic which will allow me to learn and grow in the area of nursing I am most intrigued by and passionate about. (should the last half of this sentence be left out??)
StaffNurse and Support Charge RN, Inpatient Rehabilitation Oct. 2013 toPresent
StaffNurse, Neuroscience and Spine March 2012-Oct.2013
assisted living facility
Nursing Assistant, Registered 2008-2012
extended care facility
Student Nurse Technician Summer 2010
Cover Letter (part of it):
I am applying for the full time Registered Nurse OBGYN position. You will see in my resume, my qualifications along with my passion for obstetrics and gynecology,allow me to be a strong candidate for this position. My background includes four years experience providing education to patients as an RN and eleven years total experience in healthcare communicating with and advocating for people.
Key strengths I offer (not sure if i should be leaving examples out):
Pangea Reunited, ASN, RN
1,547 Posts
Key strengths I offer (not sure if i should be leaving examples out): I am a leader, not a follower. For example, I am leaded by policies, procedures, and standards set for our professional practice. I am committed to providing excellent patient care. For example, I always keep my patient's informed in regards to care I'm providing, test results, etc. Worked with various diverse groups of people, including non-english speaking. I have utilized interpreters to provide care, communicate with, and educate patients. don't get involved in drama (I need help with this one figuring out how to say it without saying this or should i leave it out?? My current direct always comments on this in my performance appraisals)
I would leave the first and the last out. A good employee should be able to lead or follow. And saying that you don't get involved in "drama" is dramatic, in itself. The middle two could be re-worked ...but I don't care for them as they are.
I'll stop there ...because I'm not sure if my baby is about to start screaming and I don't want to be caught in the middle of writing a book.
82 Posts
I think it might help if you Google some nursing resumes/cover letters online. Obviously don't copy them verbatim, but it might give you some inspiration.
Maybe something like this might help? Johns Hopkins School of Nursing | Student Services | Resources
I have done that. What I'm struggling with is how to make the experience I have convince them I'm a strong candidate.