Restorative care care plan


Hi, I am writing restorative nursing care plans and need some good references. A book is fine for long term but I need some quick online references to get started.


No, you need to find them yourself, because learning to do research for resources is a very high priority goal in nursing school. Going to an online forum to get someone to do it for you is not research. We do not do your homework for you, as you will see at the top of the Student Forum. ( I see this is your first post and you might have missed that.)

You can also go to your school, like, library. They have, like, books that you have to, like, read and can't copy and paste from.

Thanks for the great advice, but I do not have a school library to which I can go. I have recently switched fields, (I have been an RN for 40 years) and am in need of guidance on resources for restorative nursing care plans. I have already purchased two books, and although they are great references on restorative care, neither discuss care plans. So I once more humbly ask if there is anyone out there with expertise in this specialty area, I would appreciate any guidance you could give as to what would be good resources on writing restorative nursing care plans. Thanks in advance for any help available.

OK, so you aren't a youngie, my apologies for the Valleyspeak. :) Perhaps I misunderstood you to be asking for samples you could copy, and we clearly don't do that when we prefer to see students do their own work.

If those books are good about telling you about restorative care, can't you extrapolate from them and see what you'd put in a care plan to deliver it? Perhaps I'm still misunderstanding you.

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