Respiratory Therapy Online Programs...


Ok so I know this site is for nursing, and my goal is to be a nurse. I was hoping I can ask if anyone knows of any online Respiratory Therapy programs? I am trying to go through Excelsior for nursing but I need to first meet the admissions requirements.

Im going crazy! Right now online classes are the only way for me. I have a 3 year old son and never have a babysitter besides his preschool, which isnt open during normal business hours. And based on personal family issues, I have to work full time to afford an apartment for my son and I. Sorry I think im venting now...

Anyway please let me know anyone! Thank you!

Specializes in Correctional Nursing; MSN student.

It sounds like you are motivated to pursue your education. Please share more about why you're looking into respiratory therapy. You might look at knocking out some pre-reqs on-line as soon as you can. I don't think RT programs will be online. What are your long term goals? Any family support to help with child care?

Thanks Mtsteelhorse. I am very motivated! Ive taken all of my general edu courses already. My sons preschool opens later than most preschool, so the schools I can go to require the class to start at 7:30 and I wont have anytime to get there after dropping my son off. So that part stinks! As far as family help..I really dont have any. My son's dad isnt involved, and he lives 2 hours away if that even mattered. My parents work during the week... but also if I tried to take an evening mother refuses to pick my son up from childcare.... (We dont get along...swear she wants to see my life miserable. Misery loves company thats what they say.) And unfortuently shes the only one that is able to get him at school... Ive asked around my friends if they could pick him up or take him into school and of course-- no one. im pretty much stuck.

I chose Respiratory Care because Id like to be a CRNA and I think the more experiance I get would be benefical. I work right now as a medical assistant so I get a lot of other basic medical experiance. I like to have a variety of knowledge. :)

Specializes in Correctional Nursing; MSN student.

Excellent! So, you'll need your RN to get to the CRNA. Here's a thought...check with the local high school. See if there are any students interested in early childcare. I did this and had a wonderful student watch my girls so I could get to my evening job. It was a great resource. Perhaps there is a child care cooperative in your area? Check with the school district and early childhood development programs for possibilities. You would likely be eligible for generous student financial aid so make sure you explore that thoroughly. Is your job M-F? Do you have a local community college? If so, check with them about child care options. They may have some leads if they offer a program in Early Childhood Development. I will continue to think about this. I am optimistic you can pull this together. How long until your son will attend a full day school? Many schools have after school care programs.

Go to Independence University as their Respiratory Therapy program is recognized by the American Medical Association. They have an EXCELLENT program as I've worked with their graduates when it was called California College of Health Sciences. If I were you, I would knock out the prerequisites through a junior college as it will be much cheaper. But you can do the prerequisites through them, it will just be more expensive for you. Yes, you can do all the prerequisites, and theory online. Clinical rotations must be done in an approved facility. There are two states that don't recognize the program that I last heard. I think it was Missouri or Alabama that don't recognize it but you would be able to get licensed in another state and then apply for some sort of endorsement after licensure. Something like that, I can't remember as it's been awhile since I saw the RT that went through this school. Good Luck

Nursecubanita... Ive looked at Independence! Im actually really interested in that. Do you know if its self paced,like can you work on your own time and etc? I tried to call them last night but I was on hold for 30 minutes trying to get through to someone... so I was like pulling my hair out lol. If you can, PM me about more details!! Or if you dont care you can talk to me through this post. Im so glad someone told me about Independence, I wanted to get some reviews on it but I couldnt find it! :)

Specializes in Correctional Nursing; MSN student.

Excellent news! I hope this works out well for you. You may really enjoy respiratory therapy. I hope it all comes together. Best wishes to you!

I'm unsure if I did a PM or not but you do have a message waiting :-)

Did anyone get any information on this school? I may be interested as well. Could you forward me any information you have as well? I would really appreciate it!

Did anyone get any information on this school? I may be interested as well. Could you forward me any information you have as well? I would really appreciate it!

If you're referring to Independence University here is the direct link to the RT homepage:

There isn't much information but a number where you can call. Good Luck

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