Published Dec 8, 2013
2 Posts
I'm new around here, but I've been doing some research on the reserves (all branches) and I was looking for any updated information. I am wondering how much experience a nurse needs to have before they can put together a packet for the board. I read that the Army is requiring 6 months, but would that be enough to commission as a specialty (i.e., ED, OR, etc.) or would you need the certification? I am interested in all branches, even though I know that they are different in their own ways.
Thanks for your help in advance!
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
I am pretty sure the specialty requirements remain the same -- it has to be something like 1500 or 1750 hours in the last two years spent in the speciality area, I think? It's been a while. lol
Thanks. I have a bunch of interviews at the end of this month in almost every area of nursing possible in my area. I know that the military is where I would like to end up (prior-service), but since they are overmanned, I can't seem to talk to any recruiters. Does anyone know if the chances of picking up a reserve commission is less competitive than active duty?