Published Jul 23, 2008
WildcatFanRN, BSN, RN
913 Posts
LOL, I called UK again today to bug them a bit. Nothing rude, just a check on my application status. So far they are "still pulling applications for review".
I googled NICU jobs in order to attempt to find hospitals with NICU's....bad idea lol. I then googled for hospitals in various states. Thats no easier as you have no idea which hospital has a NICU or what level it is. I know Children's Hospitals usually have NICU's, but what about other hospitals? Without checking each and every hospitals websites, how do you know who has a NICU. do you find out if said NICU is a good one? I am giving UK some more time, but I might as well start at least applying out of state now. I'm trying not to be pessemistic but I doubt I will get an interview even before the semester starts. No job, no school.....I qualify for state grants but there is no more funding so no money and my student loans are maxed out. Granted if I get an interview even after the semseter started I'd go, just would have to wait until next year to attempt to start finishing my BSN so its not really an issue. It just would be nice ya know?
So, the states around KY that I am thinking about are Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia. Next is possibly Michigan (I know winter=bad lol) and Mississippi, maybe even Alabama. Is this too many to research?
I've decided to follow the advice given on this board and take the plunge and apply to as many NICU's as I can, even out of KY. The research is going to be fun .
Finding one with a proven good atmosphere for New Grads will be even harder I think.
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I worked at Spartanburg Regional (Level IIIb) for 2 years as a new grad. It's in Spartanburg SC.
The manager is great, the staff is great, the orientation is great, and the unit is IMHO, awesome. I'm going back as soon as I get my NNP.
Greenville Memorial Hospital has a Level IIIb
Atlanta Children's has a good Level IIIc from what I've heard, as is Emory in TN.
Steve, What is the difference between Level IIIb and Level IIIc?
A level IIIb does everything except complex surgery, cardiacs and ECMO. IIIc is the highest level, and does cardiacs, ECMO and all surgeries. MOST Level III NICUs are IIIb's. You'll find that most IIIc's are larger university-affiliated teaching hospitals.
It's debatable, but there really is no Level IV, at least as far as the American Academy of Pediatrics is concerned. Some people call it that, though.
I'm trying to find Level III's. I've found so far that not all children's hospitals have NICU's. I wish I could just type in "NICU" and hospitals with them would come up, but you get articles on NICU, support for NICU, definitions of NICU.....but actual hospitals, not so much LOL.
The people on this board have been so supportive and I don't even know anyone actually. I wish I had actually utilized this site when I was in school, maybe I would have not made the mistakes I did on my resume to start out with.
Another thing I wish is that LPN's could work on NICU. My LPN license is still active while I try to get my RN license (you know study for and take the NCLEX....after coming up with the money to register for the darn thing somehow). It would almost be easier to get a job as an LPN in another state since I am already licensed. But I have only met one LPN working a NICU and she had been there for a long time and was grandfathered in so to speak.
Again, thanks for all the help. Keep it coming, I can use all the help I can get :-)
I know you mentioned relocation assistance. When I was hired at Spartanburg Regional, they gave me $2500 for relocating, and a $2500 sign-on bonus ($1500 at hire, $1000 at 1 yr)
They also paid for my Kaplan review class and NCLEX/licensing fees.
I know I keep tooting SRHS' horn, but as you can see, I loved it.
That is also another of my problems, studying for the NCLEX. I open my book, read a bit, take a few practice tests and get frustrated. I should be concentrating on taking boards somehow, now worrying about finding a job. I personally think KY has made it more difficult to get licenesed if you have to do a clinical internship before they issue your permanent license....even when you've passed boards. Of course I also thought it wouldn't be that hard to find a job LOL, silly me.
Though I've also made it harder on myself by wanting NICU, a specialty I just gotta keep plugging away. Study even though I cannot yet register for the darn test, and keep plugging away at those NICU positions that are open, that say exp preferred...I apply anyway :-)
Well, I left messages with both Spartansburg and Greenville. They do hire new grads, though Greenville said its rare right now. I've also been in contact with a nurse recruiter in Roanake, VA for Carillion Healthcare. She is checking on a NICU position there. As well as a nurse recruiter for Clarian Health in Indiana. I also emailed the nurse recruiter for Memorial University Medical Center in Savannah, GA. They have a Nurse Residency program. I wonder how prevalent Nurse Residency programs are? From what I've read it seems like a great way to get New RN's off to a good start.