2015 Requirements for APRN certification


Hi everyone,

I'm looking into NP programs, and the eligibility requirements and am finding myself confused. While I was in school, an instructor has mentioned that in 2015, all APRNs will have to get a DNP in order to become certified. However, all of the research I am seeing is making it appear that this is not the case.

So, here's the question: does one require a DNP in order to be eligible for an APRN role? Or does a masters degree with appropriate certificates still suffice?

Also, resources would be appreciated!

Thank you!


Specializes in Emergency, ICU.

There is another thread discussing this issue well. I tried to paste a link to it but it went to the wrong thread -- do a search for this topic.

In short, the answer is no. You don't need a DNP or PhD to practice as a nurse practitioner.

Sent from my iPhone -- blame all errors on spellcheck

Specializes in Emergency.

The short answer is your instructor was wrong, as were many, many others whom wrongly believed that a switch would be flipped in 2015 ringing in the DNP and out the MSN prepared APRNs. The 2015 move to the DNP was a recommendation, not a requirement.

There are still many MSN programs for APRNs to choose from, as well as many dnp programs. There are also a plethora of MSN-DNP programs to choose from if you want to get a DNP after getting your MSN first. Your have an abundance of choices at your disposal, and are more likely to be overwhelmed by your options than underwhelmed. Have fun figuring out which program best meets your needs!

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