Published Nov 30, 2018
2 Posts
As a nurse who made a med error, would I be required to report this error to the State Board in Florida? If so, how soon afterwards am I supposed to report? I am not sure if my employer will do so or not, but I would hate to be caught up in a suspension of my liscense if I am supposed to report and haven't. I did self report to my employer when it happened.
I also have active liscensure in LA. Would I need to report to them as well or would FL board do that?
Lastly, how soon would disciplinary action be taken against me if any and what type of action?
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,980 Posts
If the BON required all nursing medication errors to be reported, they would never be able to do anything. I highly doubt that unless the med error led to serious harm or death that it needs to be reported, but check your nurse practice act.
Thanks, I've been searching the act with no results on that. Must not be mandatory. First med error so trying to keep myself in check and my liscense in good standing. No fatality or serious harm done. Ill double check the acts to be sure. I was told my employers are a vidictive group of people and I have recently left their facility due to neglect of employee health. Just didnt want them to use anything against me. I appreciate your response!