Published Jun 14, 2016
1 member has participated
1 Post
I have repeated intro to chem twice, (technically 3 times) but i dropped the first time with a "W" which at the school I currently go to does not count as a attempted credit. Do I still have a shot at getting in to nursing school with a repeated "C" in chemistry or should I begin to look at other career options.
Kuriin, BSN, RN
967 Posts
Yep. I withdrew from statistics 2 or 3 times before taking it again and getting an A. Sometimes life gets in the way and there are times you can explain it getting into school or employment. I would recommend if you get multiple below B grades on major science classes, to only take that class for the semester to get really grounded in the subject.
ItsThatJenGirl, CNA
1,978 Posts
I think it's going to depend on the program you've chosen for nursing school and their criteria.