Relocating for school...need input

Nursing Students General Students



Recently decided that we are going to move upstate NY. So I started applying to colleges (abt 2), I'm waiting to hear back from one but, the other one accepted me into the program directly :happy: . Here's the issue... My first term in school, 2 or I know atleast 1 out of the 4 classes I could take now and they would transfer over to the school. It would also ease some of the stress. All I would have to really focus on are the nursing course's. The issue is that if I start taking the 1 or 2 classes now and my husband gets a job offer we are going to basically move on it and if I'm in school and just pick up and move might risk getting Incompletes. Anyone have any input or has gone through something similliar?


If you plan on moving in the next semester, I'd just wait. You won't get refunded any of the tuition money. It may be nice to get classes out of the way, but it's not worth the possible wasted money, especially if you'll have moving expenses.

If you plan on moving in the next semester, I'd just wait. You won't get refunded any of the tuition money. It may be nice to get classes out of the way, but it's not worth the possible wasted money, especially if you'll have moving expenses.

Thats true...It just feels like a double edge sword.

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