Relocating to Florida :)


I am graduating with my 2 year RN next month in NC and am trying to move to Florida asap. Definetly before September and specifically in the Ft. Lauderdale/Miami area. I know after I take the NC boards, I have to pay $350 to obtain my FL license but am wondering where I should apply to as a new grad.

I dont know the "good & bad" hospital systems since I am from out of town. If you have any advice please comment below. I am looking for Full time days, RN, either ICU or med/surg, NICU. If you know of any sign on bonuses being offered please let me know that as well. Thank you

Welcome to allnurses!

If you are sure you're moving to FL, there is no need to get a NC license and then get a FL license; you can just apply for initial licensure in FL. You would just need to let your school know that you are doing that and want your school info sent to the FL BON (nursing programs automatically send the necessary info on graduates to their own BON; they can send the info somewhere else, they just need to know you want them to). There's no point in paying for a license you have no intention of using.

Have you looked at any of the threads here about nursing in FL? It's not a great employment or working environment for nurses. You can find the FL nursing form under the "U.S." tab at the top of each page.

Best wishes for your journey!

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