Regulations on inskilled practice


Help!! I am currently a LPN in the state of ohio. I have been practicing for 9 years. I was just proposed a job and I am not sure if I am permitted to work in the position due to some technicalities. I have went to the Board of Nursing website and read up on the scope of practice and all the rules and regulations governing practice for an LPN, but It is not real clear on my dilema.

I was offered a job educating the general public for health awareness only. No skilled care nor any hands on care are being provided. With that being said do i still need supervision of higher licensure?

I carry my own liabilty insurance although I am currently employed by a corporate company, I fully intend to maintain my regardless of where I am employed.

If anyone has any answers or thoughts of where I can find answers please let me know. I am very leary to accept the position until I get answers, I do not want to pracice outside of my scope and put my license in jeopardy.

Specializes in LTC, Memory loss, PDN.

Sorry, can't give legal advice. How about contacting BON/Healthboard?

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