Regular Undergrad Classes/Excelsior


hi all,

this is my first post but i have been here a while. reading and soaking up the knowledge. i believe i've finally made a decision to attend excelsior. the question i have is regarding the regular undergraduate classes instead of the exam based classes.

i'm fortunate to have tuition reimbursement with my current employer. looking into this, they will not pay for the exam based classes but will however pay for the online undergrad classes offered with excelsior. although it will take longer, i'm seriously considering taking my undergrad classes through excelsior online and then enrolling into the nursing program when i've completed everything i can. similar to how others have taken all their classes with a cc and then started the nursing program when that was all they had left.

so, if anyone who's taken online classes with excelsior that can lend an opinion on this, i'd greatly appreciate it.


Personally I would rather take the classes at a local cc for the ready access to an instructor. I also believe it may be less expensive, but you have to do a direct comparison. But since your employer will pay for this, take the courses from any source that you please. Good luck with the program.

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