Published Feb 22, 2016
mindofmidwifery, ADN
1,419 Posts
Hi everyone,
I currently have two jobs at two different hospitals. One I've worked at since this past October and the other I've worked at since December.
I am honestly sick of working two jobs with pay that I am not satisfied with. I am starting my school's nursing program either this Fall or next spring. My question is, do you think quitting both jobs and picking up a non-medical related job will negatively affect me in the future?
Thank you
cracklingkraken, ASN, RN
1,855 Posts
I think that you should consider the questions future employers will probably ask about why you quit both jobs after such a short period of time.
NurseGirl525, ASN, RN
3,663 Posts
PCTs in Indiana get paid fairly decent so I would think Columbus would be in the same ballpark. Why do you think you are not paid adequately?
Employers will want to know why you left not one, but 2 jobs in under a year.
I ended up deciding to stick with one and just work full time there. However, I just put in my two weeks' notice at the other hospital. I do not think it will effect me adversely because I left on good terms and was even told that I will be eligible for rehire immediately.