Register Nurse from Mexico


Hello everyone, I am a Register Nurse from Mexico that recently moved to the United States. I am currently residing in the state of Texas. I have looked for information of how to get my licence in the state of Texas but unfortunately I do not meet the requirements, since I have more that 4 years of graduating and I haven't have a Job in the last 4 years, so I was thinking of getting my licence in another state like Nevada o New Mexico and then make an Endorsement to the state of Texas, I think that's my only chance of getting a licence in Texas. I am about to start my credentials evaluation with CGFNS, I have read so many bad things about this company that I was thinking on using other authorize agency like IERF, but I see that most people use the services from CGFNS. So I came up with a few questions, I hope that anyone could help me, or share their experiences, since I haven't found information from Mexican Nurses , it would be helpful to get in touch with nurses from my home country to find out about more the evaluation of the credentials from Mexican nursing schools. But still any info or experiences share by anybody would be appreciated.

1.- If I manage to get my licence as a Registered Nurse what are my chances of getting a job without the lack of experience?

2.-Is it really hard to get a licence form the state of Nevada or from New Mexico or what other state would you recommended getting a licence?

3.- Has anybody got a licence from a state other that Texas and got an Endorsement to the state of Texas?

4.- How long would the Credential Evaluation from the CGFNS would take? Could anybody share the time that theirs took?

5.- What study guide or book would you recommend to study for preparation for the NCLEX?

6.- When do I have to take the NCLEX? before or after I get a response from the Credentials Evaluation?

Thank you from your time!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Depending on which state you apply to will depend on service you use. I believe majority of states use CGFNS. Processing times average 4 months but a lot depends on how timely they receive your documents. You cannot sit NCLEX until the BON oks it and they won’t do that until they receive your assessment from agency and you submit application to them and pay fees

Hi Silverdragon, thank you for the information just just provided, I am about to place my order for Credential Evaluation with CGFNS and before I place the order I want be sure of something, so once the CGFNS completes my credential evaluation, and they submit it to the BON that I indicted on my order, in this case the Nevada State Board of Nursing, and once I get my Licence with them, lets say I want to get an Endorsement in another state, like Texas, how to I get another CES, do I just ask the CGFNS to sent it to the Texas BON or do I have to pay for another Evaluation or Re-Evaluation. Because I notice at the beginning of the Order they ask you where do you want to send you CES, you can choose more that one recipient, so I still don't know whats the right way of doing it. Can I just add 2 recipients when I place my order? Or do I just have to pay for another Re-Evaluation?


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

It has been nearly 20 years since I used CGFNS and much has changed. I believe there is a way of saving documents for 5 years for a small fee but in regarding endorsing to another state I am not 100% sure. Maybe a member who has done this can answer your question

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