i really wanna a nurse

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


i need help,i want to do nursing ,but i don't have chemistry and bio

i did bio in high school but chemistry i didn't do and i know nuttin in it

what should i do?Preparatory Class?


i need help,i want to do nursing ,but i don't have chemistry and bio

i did bio in high school but chemistry i didn't do and i know nuttin in it

what should i do?Preparatory Class?


You should contact an advisor at the school of nursing you would like to attend, and ask him or her that question.

Different schools will have different requirements for basic pre-admission education. I don't know what it's like in China, but that's the first step anywhere, I think.

rnsrwe@ thanks a lot

but i wanna do it in canada vbmenu_register("postmenu_2162471", true);


I was in your place a year ago. I really wanted to be a nurse, but didn't have my bio or chem.. so I went back to school this year and instead of taking just those classes I took a full prep for health sciences year, which also gave me the credits I needed. I had been out of school for 7 years, traveling and having a baby and being a mom, so it got me used to school again.

I am now in for nursing school in September 07!

If you are planning on school in Canada, you can take either just the courses you need part time, or do a program like I did. However, I suggest you figure out where you want to go to nursing school and then contact that school and ask them exactly what you need. They will be the best help, since different schools accept (or don't accept) certain programs.

Good Luck!!

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