Really Confused.Undecided between LPN to RN or directly to ASN in FHCHS or Valencia



My name is Diana and I am in my 20's.. I was working on my degree for Biomedical Eng but decided to be in a rewarded career,with patients, where I can make a difference. I have been studying since I was 17 while i was in high school. So changing careers has been a difficult decision, since I feel I haven't done anything. I have been searching many schools around Orlando area, took the NET and was able to get into Orlando Tech for LPN starting January. Currently I need to take 5 prereq', this semester I will take Micro,Human Dev and Nut. I am missing A & P I and 2, so I was thinking in doing them while I finish my LPN next year.

The struggle I have, is the fact that I have to work as much as I can. But if I can't I will have to be in debt. I have seen some posts about FHCHS, went to the school and fell in love with it. But I am not really sure how competitive is, and if it is easier to get by having the LPN Cert.

Other option will be Valencia, but I am only able to do it in October of 2011 since I will obtain my LPN license in December 2010. In reality I am looking to any type of schools.. Any suggestions?? recomendations??

I am getting frustrated by not having an specific plan or afraid to waste time by doing the LPN since it will take me longer. My dream is to become CRNA. I know it will be a long way, so I am trying to do it the best way and as soon as possible to start working.

I appreciate any type of suggestions, any information would be helpful!!! =D



Hey Diana! I did my pre reqs at SCC, and am going to UCF in ths spring for the BSN program. I too looked into FHCHS. Do you know how expensive it is? VERY! Some friends went there and said they got great educations, but it was not very supportive amongst the students. There was alot of competition amongst the students and she hated that! She graduated from there, but her husband has decided to go tothe UCF/SCC concurrent program, for financial reasons. You are still young - you can do whatever you want to do! I'm sure you'll be great at whichever way you decide to go!! :twocents: Good luck! Kelli

Thank you for responding Kelli.. I am really confused since I am looking for the best route for my RN but pursuing CRNA as soon as I can.. I have been in school for 3 years .. and I want to finally graduate and see the results of my hard work.. But the problem is the waiting list...If i pursue my degree in Valencia.. it will 3 years before I begin the program (if I take the bridge program LPN-RN).

Now, I am not really sure how it works in UCF, since I see in many posts that everybody who got in has a 3.7 and above..My problem is, that since I was in eng. Calculus and physics killed my gpa, leaving with a 2.5 and a 3.66 in another college... now that yo are getting to UCF.. what are the realistic possibilities? How long did it take you??

I apprecciate your input

Hi Diana- What is your weighted GPA (the "sciences" that the nursing schools look at?) Do you know what I mean? The psych ( gen and dev), the A & P I and & II, soc, micro, nutrition, stat methods, eng I? That GPA is what really matters! How did you do in those classes? My weighted GPA is 3.7. My regular GPA is 3.4. I got in WHILE TAKING A & P II, so don't listen to what others may tell you about getting in- when you can apply, apply! Just have most of your classes ( if not all) done. Do you have an AA? If so, have you completed your "sciences"? Listen, you're only in your 20's, I am 35!! I know it feels like FOREVER to get there, but you will. Apply at Scc's program ( ADN-BSN concurrent) you will have your bsn in 7 semesters. They take apps in Sept for Jan program. They also take apps for a fall program. Same concurrent program, jan is nights/weekends and fall is days. Let me know about your classes and where you stand with all of the aforementioned stuff! Kelli

Thank You Kelli for your encouragement... Well let me tell you how I am going.. in english I got an A, Chem 1 B.. The rest of requirements I am taking them these two semesters.. I am taking A&P 1, Micro, Nutr and Psyc.. therefore I am striving for all A's... I am taking next semester A&P II, stats.. I don't have my AA, because I am transferring from FIU, but I can apply next semester to get it since I completed more than 60 credits and I have the requirements for general studies..

I was looking into the ASN-BSN in SCC, but I am not sure about the requirements.. do I have a chance, even though I live in south Orlando and I haven't take any class at SCC? although I can take A&P II at SCC to get more chances? Sorry if I am bothering you with all these questions..but I am really concerned with that path I should take..

Can I apply to UCF while taking A&PII and Statistics next semester? My "science" gpa depends mostly in how I do in these semester and a couple of A's I have .. so they will take a look only at my "Science" gpa?

Thank you so much!!!! =D

I applied to UCF while in A & P II and was accepted before finishing that class. I would say apply wherever you can! The science GPA is of utmost importance, so get a's. If you can get a certain teacher at SCC or Valencia ( directly send me an email and I will let you know who!) for A and P I or II, you should get a's in those- he is excellent! Fabulous! I took Micro, A and p I, nutrition together one semester and did great! you will too! SCC-UCF program is really competitive. You only need to take the ADN requirements if you want to JUST do the ADN That means stat mehtods doesn't matter. Stat is only pertinent to the ADN, not BSN for UCF. Anything to do with UCF, you need that and soc and chem. ADn doesn't need those three. Also, I applied to UCF's BSN program at Daytona campus. It is not tied into Daytona state college in a ny way they share a parking lot. BUT, fewer people apply to their regional campus' Daytona and Cocoa! Look into that, if you can or don't mind the drive. Valencia is about 1 year to get in, so I've heard. Either path you take, DON"T QUIT!! You can do it!!! :wink2: Kelli

Thank You so much!!!!! =D You are giving me hope.. I have been stressed out because I didn't see the light.. but like you said, the most important are the science classes... so do you think is doable the micro, A&P1, devep psy and nutrition?? .. I am striving for A's... and I will apply next I can raise my gpa... Now I have soc and I will be missin Stats, which I will do in Spring.. because I wish i can go straight to the BSN.. but my question is.. how can did you apply to SCC-UCF program? b/c it says that you can join if you were accepted at ucf but were not able to get in due to space... is it true.. or you just applied to both places??... and where can I get informtion about the program in cocoa and daytona.. I would like to talk to somebody tomorrow if I can.. so I can get prepaed with the paperwork... or if you have the website.. that will be great!!

In Valencai is a yr and a half.. for the reg ASN.. that is why I was going to do the LPn bridge program.. but .. I will finish in dec.. and would have to wait until october of 2011.. so that is why I was hopeless... but I will research into UCF.. since I love their program.. the only thing I see is that in FHCHS they have the opportunity to work as nurse tech while studying... do you know if they offer that in UCF>.. and do you know how much are they making here in orlando??

Thanks again for your guidance.. is what I needed the most.. since relocation (a month ago) and the change of major has been a great struggle!!...

I am going to UCF at their Daytona Beach campus. I attended SCC for pre reqs only. The SCC-UCF program you can apply either way-as an SCC student OR as a UCF student. I would speak to SCC first then UCF. UCF at Daytona only enrolls for January program. I'm not sure when the Cocoa program begins-you can go to UCF's website and click on "regional campus" for more info on those 2. I don't know about working while doing the program, I think it would be hard. The micro, a andp I, dev psych and nutrition together will be easy for the material (in my opinion) but a lot of "busy work" . Nut and psy had A TON of writing. Micor had quizzes each class period- if you do not work while taking the 4 classes, I think A's are doable. If you work, you may want to hold off and take psy or nut with you stat methods. Those 2 have a lot of misc. work involved. SCC-UCF is a joint venture you have to be approved into both schools IF you want to do the BSN. OR you can be admitted to SCC's ADN program and do the bridge. Ideally, the concurrent program is best bet, BUT you wouldn't be able to apply til feb ( Ithink) to begin Fall 2010. Which is still a lot better thatn 2011!! So, finish your classes asap and apply for fall 2010. Take micro, a and p I and nut with stat this fall (bc stat is over when you leave that room-no reading, writing etc...) then in spring take dev psych and a and p II. You will apply sometime in the Spring ( It may be April or May) and go from there. :yeah: Good luck! Kelli


I am an LPN

I am starting my pre-reqs in January for the LPN - RN bridge, deciding between Valencia/SCC/Lake Sumter CC. I still need Micro and A&P I and II and Nutrition. You mentioned a preferred teacher....can you assist me with that pls on an email? Also did you hear anything about the program at Lake Sumter CC? Thanks!


I am an LPN

I am starting my pre-reqs in January for the LPN - RN bridge, deciding between Valencia/SCC/Lake Sumter CC. I still need Micro and A&P I and II and Nutrition. You mentioned a preferred teacher....can you assist me with that pls on an email? Also did you hear anything about the program at Lake Sumter CC? Thanks!

Hi Hudd70,

Which school did you go to? How was it?

I went to Orlando Tech for LPN - I feel I received a solid education. I have been working for 2 years in Cardiology...ready to go on for the RN! I have most pre-reqs complete, just need Micro, A &P I and II and nutrition. If I go to SCC or VCC I also need Biology I. So I will start the sciences in January - with a completion goal for all pre-reqs of December and apply in the spring 2011 for the bridge. I will of course need to decided which school.....

Hey Diana! I did my pre reqs at SCC, and am going to UCF in ths spring for the BSN program. . . . Kelli

Kelli, I interviewed at SCC for the BA / BSN bridge program. I have a BFA which means I have 0 pre-reqs done. Where can I find all the pre-reqs I need (list wise), figure out the best order to take them in and the best PLACE locally to take them. I live in Longwood.

If I sign up to take the pre-reqs at SCC that is no guarantee I'll get into the bridge program, right? But I got the impression in my interview that there are fewer people applying for the BA to BSN bridge and thus the competition may be less than the regular track ASN or BSN at SCC.

Thoughts? Help -- PLEASE! (PS I stink at math).

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