Reaction to MMR vaccine?


About 10 days ago my one-year old daughter got her MMR vaccine. The site stayed red like a mosquito bite but today it was crusty like a chicken pox lesion, with fluid under it. A raised red rash of pin point bumps has started spreading across her torso and shoulders. The bumps are spread far apart in some places, and so closely in other places that the individual bumps are barley discernible.

Is this typical of MMR vaccine? We just came from Navy Hospital and they didn't think much of it, but I dont trust Navy docs (no offense).

The other thing is that today she had cow's milk which she never had before.

But wouldnt a milk allergy manifest differently?

Can you go to an off base doc?

My son got "measles" after his MMR. The rxn was several days - 7 or so - after the shot, so it wasn't even on my radar. Rash most noticeable on torso and arms/legs after 1 day on torso. Small, slightly raised red spots. He had a fever too, not very high. His ped wasn't very concerned, I didn't even take him in. Fever was gone quickly, rash faded in 2-3 days. He gets his booster soon, so I'm expecting the same.


Edited to add: if you are really concerned about it, you should definitely get a second opinion.

Specializes in tele, stepdown/PCU, med/surg.

MMR is often the culprit for reactions. I remember I got a booster a few years ago and within a half hour, I spiked a fever and was miserable..and I was at work!

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