Raleigh/Durham area


Specializes in Junior Year of BSN.

Hi, I will possibly be moving to the Raleigh/Durham area, and really have no clue in which neighborhoods to look at. I have heard that Durham has more crime. I would like to move to nice communities and I will be renting while in nursing school.

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.
Specializes in Junior Year of BSN.

I would not reccommend moving to Durham, though there are some okay areas. Chapel Hill is beautiful and is south of Durham but extremely close. If you are working/going to school in Durham, definitely check out Chapel Hill. Cary is a nice area that is to the southwest of Raleigh if you are working/going to school in Raleigh. I would also look in Knightdale (East of Raleigh,and close to Wake Med). North Raleigh also has nicer areas. If you like college atmosphere, the area near NC State is not bad. Raleigh is a big city with a small town feel, I want to move back there so bad! Good luck! :)

I would not reccommend moving to Durham, though there are some okay areas. Chapel Hill is beautiful and is south of Durham but extremely close. If you are working/going to school in Durham, definitely check out Chapel Hill. Cary is a nice area that is to the southwest of Raleigh if you are working/going to school in Raleigh. I would also look in Knightdale (East of Raleigh,and close to Wake Med). North Raleigh also has nicer areas. If you like college atmosphere, the area near NC State is not bad. Raleigh is a big city with a small town feel, I want to move back there so bad! Good luck! :)

Chapel Hill is west of Durham, straight down I-40. It is about twenty miles from here.

I live in North Durham.

Durham is a perfectly acceptable place to live.

Specializes in Junior Year of BSN.

Well just got an apartment next to southpoint mall so I have stopped searching will move in the beginning of the year. I like the location near chapel hill, and the tobacco trail is right near the complex, so I'll get a nice work out walking the dog. Thanks for the info. everyone.

P.S. After looking at Durham I really don't see what the problem is. I'm a city girl born and raised up north, so I guess if your from the country then you would have a problem with cities. I've lived in TX, MD, NY, PA, VA, Toronto, Canada, South Carolina, and S. Korea and to me its not that bad. Oh well guess if your used to not living in the city you probably won't like it. To me Baltimore/Dallas/Houston is WAY worse then Durham could ever be (but there are good and bad parts to each city).

I'm glad you said this Cherish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's unbelievable the undeserved bad rap Durham gets. It really makes you wonder about the people making those blanket statements. I'm sure glad you formed your own opinion. Good luck and welcome!


P.S. After looking at Durham I really don't see what the problem is. I'm a city girl born and raised up north, so I guess if your from the country then you would have a problem with cities. I've lived in TX, MD, NY, PA, VA, Toronto, Canada, South Carolina, and S. Korea and to me its not that bad. Oh well guess if your used to not living in the city you probably won't like it. To me Baltimore/Dallas/Houston is WAY worse then Durham could ever be (but there are good and bad parts to each city).


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