Raining On My Parade

Nurses General Nursing



I trust that you know what you want to do with your nursing career. Everyone is different but don't let ANYONE change your mind. Keep your head up and do what makes you happy because that is all that matter.

People think I am nuts because I want to do trauma, but so what. While I definitely consider other's opinions, I don't let it rule what I decide at the end of the day.

Best wishes sister girl!

If I understand you correctly, I think you are questioning why people cannot be more supportive of your choice. Encouragement is something that I think all students and new nurses want but apparently you are not getting the support you want or need. So, I will give you a BIG (((((HUG))))) here.

Sister girl, as a nursing student, support of our fellow classmates, family, etc is always important to us because we want others to think we are making a good decision. But if you know what you want to do with your nursing career, then be like NIKE, just do it. I want to do trauma and everyone thinks I am nuts too for wanting to do the blood and guts thing. Everyone is different and I respect that but no one is going to "rain on my parade", not while I'm holding the umbrella (LOL). It is what it is and people should just deal with it because it's our life and we are big girls. If we are smart enough to get through nursing school, definitely we can choose a specialty. So, I totally understand what you are going through.

Please don't let ANYONE change your mind IF that is truly what you want to do. Remain open and definitely consider other's opinions as you might learn something from what others have to say, but don't let it rule what you decide at the end of the day. This life is about making you happy, not worrying about what other people think of your choices.

Trust in that your heart and soul will lead you to where your destiny needs you to be, right in the nick of time. In the meantime, be open to other areas because you never know what you may learn that will aid you in becoming a successful psyche nurse.

Best wishes!!!

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