Published Sep 19, 2012
8 Posts
So I have working in an RAI clinic for a year now, I do enjoy dialysis for the most part. However, recent changes to our clinic have made me a bit uneasy. We are an RAI clinic that is being bought out by Fresinius. This has been going on since I started working here, but hopefully the end is in sight. Last week our current clinical director left to go to home hemo(I should have gone with her:) and our charge nurse(who doesn't charge, but its a title) is now filling in as Interim CD. The guy above the CD, the current CD, the former CD no one has stated anything about the changeover or Fresinius. Everything seems hush hush, which does not give me warm and fuzzies.
So what I am asking is can anyone who works in Fresinius give me some insight from the nursing point of view. We run with about 95 patient census. I work 3 days + now, from 4:30 to whenever our last patient leaves. I would like to know how your clinics chain of command operates, what is your CD (RN, dietician, etc), what kind of education you have or have had (from Fresinius), etc. Any information would be helpful. Right now I work, I get paid, but there isn't anything for me learn other than hands on, which is sometimes not always the best timing on a 45 patient day. Thanks in advance!
32 Posts
Fresenius chain of command in my clinic is Clinical manager , we don't have charge nurses rather team leaders, then techs. We really all work together. Nurses usually have a 3-4 pt assignment on top of their nursing duties (depending on the clinic). Nursing duties i will assume are the same. Fresenius is an okay company. In my area they pay better than DaVita