"Doctor" Nurse


Need ideas...

Working behind a nurse who thinks he is a Doctor. LTC facility. He likes to tell the families "I am going to put Mr. Smith on a new medication", "I don't think ... medication is working for him...I'm going to change the med to something more effective".

Families actually come to me saying that (name changed) "John" put mother on a new med, "John" is going to start mother on a more effective pill, etc...

Problem is... "John" is a new nurse, and not a very "good" Doctor.

He tends to like to play with the medicines. If it is working, he will change it.

Worse, he likes to decrease the hospice patients pain meds. DECREASE!!!

Administration calls him "Doctor John".

Another problem is... he is a full time employee.. not agency. So, they tend to let things go.

Have caught him in numerous lies.

Passes on lots of chores...

Likes to refer to the Docs by their first name (not to their face, of course).

Very egotistical person.

Any ideas, other than scheduling a new facility?

Where are you from? I used to work at an LTC in northwest ohio that had a nurse that sounded just like the one you are describing. The DON used to look the other way. Until one day an aide reported him to administration for verbal abuse and finally they saw the light and got rid of his sorry butt! It was too late for me though, after several tries of trying to speak to the higher ups about him, and nothing being done, I decided that was no longer the type of facility I wanted to work for, so I got out of there. I wasn't one of the "favorites" so when I said things they tended to go unnoticed. It was one of the "favorites" that spoke up, and finally something was done. He was fired from the facility, but not reported to the OBON. So he is still out there practicing his way of nursing. I was still an aide then, and didn't know then what I know now, about how to go about reporting him. When I worked at the facility there had never been a nurse in the history of the place that was as horrible as he was. I regret not having learned what to do so that I could call the OBON and report him. Don't let this one get away with it! Report his sorry butt!!

I would speak with the Medical Director who oversees the facility, since the Director of Nursing is not concerned. I am sure the MD would not appreciate the goings-on.

I would speak with the Medical Director who oversees the facility, since the Director of Nursing is not concerned. I am sure the MD would not appreciate the goings-on.

Much easier to schedule another facility. As agency, there are places that are so messed up, it is easier to run. or RUN!!! (Gotta finish the contract.) Only agreed to the contract due to working on a different floor. (That is how they getcha!!)

This 'nurse' (term used loosly in this case), lies to everyone. Assist. Admin. talked confidentially, said that the Admin and DON basically agreed to just keep eye on him. All others screamed "fire him".

SS--(80 y/o febile, brilliant 60 lb. wonder) offered to stand beside him with a stick!!!

The system requires RN for 8 hours, and apparently they have a hard time getting a full time RN. They know that agency RNs won't stay long (no duh!!). So, they keep him.

I did offer (to the Assist. Admin.) that I could make his own personal MAR, with fake names and meds, and he could play with them whenever he got the urge to play with medicines. She said no.... darn.

I have worked with bad nurses before, but this is the worst.

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