Need ideas...
Working behind a nurse who thinks he is a Doctor. LTC facility. He likes to tell the families "I am going to put Mr. Smith on a new medication", "I don't think ... medication is working for him...I'm going to change the med to something more effective".
Families actually come to me saying that (name changed) "John" put mother on a new med, "John" is going to start mother on a more effective pill, etc...
Problem is... "John" is a new nurse, and not a very "good" Doctor.
He tends to like to play with the medicines. If it is working, he will change it.
Worse, he likes to decrease the hospice patients pain meds. DECREASE!!!
Administration calls him "Doctor John".
Another problem is... he is a full time employee.. not agency. So, they tend to let things go.
Have caught him in numerous lies.
Passes on lots of chores...
Likes to refer to the Docs by their first name (not to their face, of course).
Very egotistical person.
Any ideas, other than scheduling a new facility?