Quit nursing school, now what?

Nursing Students General Students


I recently withdrew from my diploma nursing program in the second semester. I was severely depressed in the direction I was going and after trying to bring myself to enjoy clinicals and working as a cna I just don't think this is for me. It wasn't a snap decision as I have been thinking about it since the end of the first semester and my only regret now is that i didn't finish out the semester and the fact that I didn't finish what I started.

I have read numerous posts on here about the things nurses go through and seen it first hand. I have always heard that nursing is either for you or it isn't and I guess it's just not for me. I feel like a weight has been lifted although now I am faced with reality as I am 25 with a b.s. in biology and in need of a full time job. I'm not really sure what I would like to do as a career to be honest. I have considered coaching as I already have a solid foundation, but always pictured myself working a career in healthcare. Perhaps I could work for awhile and maybe try to get into pharmacy school.

I started off wanting to eventually be a crna, but after gaining experience in the hospital setting I feel like I really don't have the desire to be a nurse. I'm a little lost right now so any information would be helpful.

What do you do with all the new books?  My community college has students purchase all the program books in advance. 

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