265 Questions and shocked

Nurses New Nurse


Usually I just peek in to this area and never EVER thought I would be in the situation that I am currently in. I took my test this am and had all 265. This is after graduating with honors and reviewing 250-400 questions each day for the past month. I am fairly certain that I failed. And I know exactly what I was hung up on since I had about 30-40 questions in that particular category. The problem is is that I don't know how to study for it. The questions were given as who would the RN assess first? Patient A, B, C, D. And I know that demonstrates competence. But it is the point that brings me down because I know I'm smarter than this. Graduating with honors is not due to "book smarts." I am a critical thinker and go by common sense. My instructors all told me I would do really well and go far. Achieve my ultimate goals, etc. Maybe it was a load of crap - but I have to belief in myself. I'm more embarrassed than anything because nobody expected this out of me. Now I have to swallow my pathetic pride and say I failed. Granted I don't have the results yet but I'm quite sure. I had a terrible sinking feeling as I watched the number of questions increase. Than I think I just kind of gave up.

I think I can retake in 45 days - it was the first thing that I came home and looked up. Bottom line - it can happen to anyone. Even the most unlikely candidates because it just happened to me. Oh my other problem area was disaster drills - who do you assess first. I know the basics but I'm sure I was answering alot of them wrong if the same type of questions repeatedly popped up. Well at least I know what to expect for my retake. I will let you all know how I actually did. Good luck to everyone else. Some questions were ridiculously easy and others seemed impossible. My advice - STUDY, don't cram the night before (I did 400 questions the night before), don't stay up late (like I did), eat breakfast (like I didn't) and be confident.

Good luck everybody

I've been crying all day - ridiculous because all of you are right. Besides it is only one test and I wasn't planning on working until the end of summer anyway. I think what hurts the most is how disappointed I am in myself. That's killer, isn't it? But you guys are also right in that I haven't received my results yet. I'm not hopeful. Oh well, thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. I'll guess I'll just wait and see.
Disappointed? I got 75 (I hope I get my results today). You worked at yours a lot harder. You had to know more on yours. I got 75 and was guessing most of the time. If you pass (and I know you will) you will have done more, and IMO, better than me.


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