Questions for a NICU nurse

Specialties NICU


Hello! I am a first semester student in nursing school. I really hope to work in the NICU after I graduate. I am doing a paper on the different types of treatment for premature and low birth weight babies. For my paper I am required to do an interview of someone in a related field. I don't actually know any NICU nurses, so I am hoping that someone from this board would be willing to answer a few questions for me. Thank you so much! I really appreciate any answers you can give me. Here are the questions:

1. What conditions are the most common in premature infants?

2. What medications are commonly given to premature and low birth weight babies?

3. What is the most common surgery performed for premature babies?

4. How does Kangaroo Mother Care help a premature infant thrive?

5. How does occupational or physical therapy benefit a premature infant?

6. How does the family usually react to their child being in the NICU?

7. In what ways could treatment in the NICU be made better?

Thanks again!

Specializes in NICU.


If you would like to contact my directly via my email, I would be more than happy to discuss your questions. Looking at them , though, it seems you are pretty broad in your subject. What exactly is the assignment? I have 19 years of experience in a Level 2+ NICU, and am currently in school for my Master's.

My email is: [email protected]

I look forward to talking with you.

Jody Wendt

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