Updated: Jul 22, 2023 Published Oct 4, 2011
29 Posts
Hi all, I'm brand new to this site and have a couple questions that I have in regards to a BSN program.
First off, I went to a community college for 2 years and got all my pre-requisites done. I got Anatomy 1+2 (B and C+ respectively), Statitistics (B+), Microbiology ( A) and other various classes such as English and Psychology with nothing lower than a B. I than transferred to a 4 year college for one semester and took some psychology classes as I wanted to do psychology and now I am going back into nursing. I plan on applying to Molloy College's BSN program in Rockville Center, Long Island for next fall, and I'm just nervous because I work Fulltime and I wanted to ask anyone...is this do-able?
I mean, I've been going to school Full-Time and Work Full-time for about 2 years now and never had a problem as I can get all my schoolwork done at work.
I guess my Main questions are:
Do my grades seem okay? (about 3.4 for just my prerequisites)
Is Full-time school and a full-time nursing program generally do-able? ( I wiork at an agency for the mentally disabled and when they go to sleep at night I have the whole rest of the night to do my work)
Thank you for any input you have, I'm just getting really nervous
2 Posts
hey i'm a second year nursing student. molloy's program is easy to get into. but the program itself is hard. its also about the professors. do plenty of research because your teachers will make you or break you. also if you dont think your going for dual degree, youre going for just the BSN espect to be there for at least 3 and a half years. if not the full 4. the way the program is set up, is you can only take 2-3 nursing classes at a time before advancing. its a great program but really difficult. i found myself placing an extra 6 -10 hours per nursing course just to "survive" btw bc most of your preqres are good, they will ask if you want to take 5 nursing course in the beginning DONT this is suicide, and a couple of my friend have droped courses/failed out. hope this helps!
I really appreciate the info! Hopefully everything works out.. Thank you again
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
83 Articles; 5,923 Posts
Moved to NY Nursing Programs forum for more response.
467 Posts
How hard is it really
114 Posts
I was wondering if you wanted to do the dual degree and have all the pre-reqs done do you know about how long it will take you? at the end of the dual degree you will have your masters so halfway through the program after you receive you bachelors are you then able to start working as an rn and continue with the rest of the dual degree?
165 Posts
Bumping this back up for the dual degree question--I'm coming in with my prereqs done, how long will the BSN part take?
10 Posts
They told me about 3 years, 2 and a half if u go in the summers too. The only thing that makes it sooo long is the sequences of classes
And that's full time with your prereqs? Geez, that is not good, there is no way I can be out of work for two and a half years. Thanks for the info!