Published Aug 9, 2008
joeyzstj, LPN
163 Posts
Ive been thinking of this and reading other posts. What are a few good examples of things to ask at the end of the interview when they ask if you have any questions? Also, how about the strength and weaknesses? Ive heard of some people not getting in due to blowing that one.
870 Posts
If accepted, what will make me a successful student in your program?
You may want to ask about some specifics of clinical experience, such as: What type of regional anesthesia experience does your typical graduate optain? How many spinals, how many epidurals?-this is important when you look for jobs after graduation, and the current guidelines for graduation allow you to graduate with 1 spinal and 1 epidural
If you are brave, I think this is a good quesiton but some faculty may not like it so use your judgement:
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program here?
185 Posts
If accepted, what will make me a successful student in your program? You may want to ask about some specifics of clinical experience, such as: What type of regional anesthesia experience does your typical graduate optain? How many spinals, how many epidurals?-this is important when you look for jobs after graduation, and the current guidelines for graduation allow you to graduate with 1 spinal and 1 epiduralIf you are brave, I think this is a good quesiton but some faculty may not like it so use your judgement:What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program here?
I agree, what are you looking for in a SRNA?
Also, what is your definition in excellence?
You'd be suprised what responses you get, such as someone who can get along with others. A sense of humor, you name it.
42 Posts
I had alot of questions prepared on a 3x5 index card. I think it was very important because it drove alot of my interview. Otherwise, I think it would have been fairly short.
I asked:
what do you think are the program's strengths and weeknesses
Do you have a sim lab?
Are there comp with residents to place lines at clinical sites.
What are current students OR and case times?
What are you looking for in an ideal SRNA?
Those are a few. GOOD LUCK!
31 Posts
It's important to have questions to ask them during the interview. It shows commitment and an interest in finding a program that is a good fit for both parties.
-How does your program faciliatate student research?
-Does the schools library carry current literature or anesthesia journals? Which ones?
-Do we share time with residents during clinical placements?
-Do you currently have any students on the Coucil for Public Interest in Anesthesia (CPIA)?
-If I'm accepted, what can I do between now and the begining of the program to adequately prepare myself?
Good luck!