Nursing Students SRNA
Published Feb 22, 2007
23 Posts
Hello, I am a Pre-Nursing student and eventually want to become a CRNA. The question I'm about to ask may be a waist of time even uttering the words. But I am hoping that there is a possible avenue.
Question: Could I get my BS and get Certified as a Physician Assistant( Not a Medical Assistant) and then after working to gain experience, go to a school to become a CRNA?
Even though I know that the abbreviations of CRNA stands for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetic, thus I would obviously need to be an RN first.
410 Posts
If you are not an RN with an appropriate bachelors degree (depends on the CRNA program) with a minimum of one year experience as an RN then you are not eligible for any CRNA program. There is no other avenue to CRNA except through RN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck!
98 Posts
Education wise, you either need:
1- a B.S. in Nursing or
2- an A.S. in Nursing + B.S. in a science field, like chemistry, biology, physics, etc.
To be a PA you need to get a masters degree which is the same degree level a CRNA will have; you just don't take a test to be a PA.
Why would you want to be a PA then NA? Just go for CRNA if you want.
Thank you for your replies. I figured that there wasn't any other avenue....but was hoping, thats all.
dfk, RN, CRNA
501 Posts
CRNA stands for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetic
i apologize, but unless there's a liquid agent that readily produces a CRNA, i believe the "A" stands for anesthetist.. with that, why not go for CRNA first, then with all the free time and money, go on.. just my opinion.. if you wanted to cut the time down, go CRNA then get post-master's certificate in adult/critical care nurse practitioner.. similar jobs, can write scripts and not crawling from under the MD's hidden places every shift.. also, to reiterate other's posts, yes, you MUST be an RN first before CRNA.. you couldn't be an MD and just transition to CRNA.. that's why there are qualifications.. it is essential, and i say that loudly, to have nursing critical care experience prior to school.. without a doubt imperative... good luck !
69 Posts
especially since CRNA stands for certified registered nurse anesthestiststasts. or something like that. note, NURSE is involved, doesn't matter how you spell anestehtatatist. HEHE.