questions about cpne


fixing to take 2nd test with excelsior and am new to distance ed but doing ok i have been to many discussion boards and keep seeing know the grid and ce's for every aspect of care and you will pass i don't want to sound stupid but what is the grid and are ce's just like the handwashing and checking wristbands and etc. any info would be grealty appreciated

thanks in advance

aprill in oklahoma

Hi! The grid is an organizational tool you can use at the CPNE (clinical portion of the program=2 1/2 days long) The critical elemnts are certain steps that must be performed during this exam. Like for abdominal assessment you must position (and ask if they need to go to the bathroom first) the patient, look for abd. distention, listen for bowel sounds x 4, palpate for tenderness or rigidity, measure abd. girth if assigned, and document findings. All of this will be sent to you free in a large study guide that explains what you must do to pass the CPNE. Excelsior will send you this guide once you have completed all of you nursing concept exams and are within 9 credits of general eds left to complete. The grid just organizes your critical elements. Don't get caught up in worrying about the CPNE now but rather focus on your NC exams. Once you are ready Excelsior will send the guide to you and you can get a better picture of it all. Excelsior also offers on-line conferences, teleconferences, and workshops to assist you with preparing for the CPNE. Hope this helps.


fixing to take 2nd test with excelsior and am new to distance ed but doing ok i have been to many discussion boards and keep seeing know the grid and ce's for every aspect of care and you will pass i don't want to sound stupid but what is the grid and are ce's just like the handwashing and checking wristbands and etc. any info would be grealty appreciated

thanks in advance

aprill in oklahoma

Specializes in Med-Surg, Research, ER, PACU, Pheresis.

Couldn't have said it better!!!

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