Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) ADN - Questions?

Nursing Students School Programs



I was accepted into CFCC for the 2022 FALL term and I've had some worries about the difficulty of the program. Has anyone gone through it that can give me their experience? My main worry is the extremely high attrition rate and how hard it supposedly is to make a B average. I am worried that I will be ruining my chances at a MSN later down the line if I mess up my GPA. I was referencing average NCLEX scores over the last 10 years and CFCC has the highest out of all Universities and Community Colleges in the state. Which I know implies that it will be overtly challenging to make it through. 

Thank you

Specializes in nursing student.

Wanted to update here for others' future reference... I was an alternate with 377 point count (still have two perquisites to complete) and I was ultimately accepted into the program. I start this week!

If any future applicants have questions lmk. Very thankful and excited for this journey ❤️ 

Specializes in nursing student.
Minime86 said:


Thank you so much! Beyond nervous and very intimidated... But overall excited ? 

We're you there yesterday? Where were you?

Is anyone here for the Fall 2024 class?

Val B said:

Is anyone here for the Fall 2024 class?

Me! :) 

I don't know if anyone from this forum gets notifications, but would any of you be willing to elaborate on how the program has been so far? Likes and dislikes? Hopefully I will start Spring 2025, I Just submitted my application the other day!

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