Question about zofran



I am an LPN in urgent care and have no experience in OR. This past week I had a cystoscopy done under general anesthesia. I have had general a couple of times in the past and never experienced this, so am wondering if this is routine ?

During his exam, the anesthesiologist decided to give me zofran because I had experienced extreme N/V from past surgeries. I don't know how much I was given but he pushed it all at once. Almost immediately my heart began to race and I was extremely anxious and shaking uncontrollably.

I am convinced that it is because he didn't push slowly but I am not sure.

Anyway it made for a very uncomfortable experience. I asked him if the medication was making me feel this way but he didn't seem too concerned about it.

Shortly afterwards, I was taken on to OR and given sedation and had no further problems.

Any OR nurses....can you tell me if this sounds right ? Is Zofran usally giving slow push ?


And btw...they did discover I have IC :(

Specializes in CST in general surgery, LDRs, & podiatry.

i can't answer your question from a personal experience or nursing standpoint, but i did a quick search and found this information from the manufacturer -

if you go down to page 22, about halfway down the page, it gives the recommended practice for administration to adults as a prophylactic measure to relieve post op n/v. it does specifically mention that it should be given in not less than 30 seconds, and should be given over period of 2 to 5 minutes iv. this document also lists potential side effects, and yours are there as well.

as for whether or not your anesthesiologist followed acceptable practice, i definitely cannot speak to that - but the information provided would tend to indicate to the contrary. definitely more research on your part would be a good idea - here's a place to start.

sorry to hear about the ic - i wish you luck with it.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Please contact your healthcare provider about your OR experience. We at cannot offer opinion/comment for we were not there. The previous poster has given a good link for your own information.

We hope that you feel better soon and can be managed adequately regarding your IC. Good luck.

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