Published Mar 28, 2008
1 Post
Hiya, peoples... I'm new here and need a bit of advice. I'm a 32 year old male who is about to start school in the Fall. I have two options before me: Network Administration or Nursing. For the past 5 years or so, all I've ever thought about was being a Nurse. I'm a people person and love to help people when I can. It always makes me happy knowing that I helped someone or made them smile. The reason I'm having difficulty deciding is because I noticed that in order to get accepted into Nursing you have to have a clean criminal history. Well, that's something I don't have. About 7 years ago, I was arrested for possession of Marijuana. It happened right after I got out of the Army and I've been regretting it ever since. Prior to this event, I had a sparkling clean record. Since then, I've not had any run ins with the law (not even a speeding ticket). My question to youse guys is would this slight blemish on my record affect me from getting accepted into a Nursing program, or affect my chances of becoming licensed? Thanks all in advance for listening to me rant and offereing any advice. I look forward to reading youse guys' responses.
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
questions we seem to be encountering more and more often have to do with the effects of a criminal history on nursing licensure:
these are questions that the members of cannot answer. the only reliable source of information is your state board of nursing.
we wish you luck in your career plans.