

I'm getting ready to go to college in the Fall. I am a little nervous about the pre-reqs and nursing school its self. At my school i have to the Organic Chemistry, and I was wondering if this was like the O-Chem you would take in Med School, or is it just an introduction? I also have to the Statistics, but I am horrible at math, is statistics really hard? In you opinion what was the toughest part of of NS and what was the toughest class you had to take for your pre-reqs in your opinion? I have a passion for Anatomy and Physiology and i excel in that subject--do you have to be a Math wiz as well to do well in NS? the other class im worried about is the chemistry' are these classes? and if you have any tips please don't hesitate to post them! thanks!

My only C+ on my entire transcript of 102 credits of all B's and A's is in stats,lol! I hated that class! So for me it was a huge struggle. The chem at my school was for health professionals and had parts of organic in it. That class was also awful for me and my entire class. I earned an A in it only by the HUGE curve as everyone failed the exams! So for me stats was my MOST hardest pre-req. As far as NS classes themselves I didn't find any of them hard per say. As everything makes sense, where chem and stats to me is senseless! I wish I had some tips for you but I passed both chem and stats byt eh skin on my teeth, lol. Good luck to you

Orgo chem is just an intro course, it's not like med school orgo. Same with me as the person above, my organic chem was a special class designed for health profession students so we went more into detail about what certain things are used for in the environment and whether they were toxic for us. Alcohols, Aldehydes, Acids and we discussed the different types of carbs and how they affect the diet, proteins, cholesterol, the difference between Acetaminophen and Aspirin. I didn't really like it to be honest and a I got a B+ and I'm fine with that.

I am a math nerd lol so I found stats to be very easy and got an A, however most of my friends got a D in the class and we had the best professor teaching it, so I think for most people it is a difficult class. The material is more confusing than difficult and there are just a lot of formulas/charts to remember. You don't have to be a math whiz, because for the most part in nursing school, the only math you do is med math which is conversions and IV drips. Just survive stats and you should be good.

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