Question related to giving feeding through NG tube

Nursing Students General Students


Hi, i am a third year degree nursing student. During my last posting at neuro ward, i had managed to performed feeding for a client. Before giving feeding, the RN asked me to aspirate first.


1. from the nursing procedure, i am suppose to instill air to confirm the right location, right? she doesn't allow me to do so, why?

2. when i aspirate, my patient got total 156ml aspirated residual, until it is having negative pressure,then i stop giving feeding because the aspiration more than 100ml, am i doing it right? ( i know the rationale to aspirate is to evaluate absorption of the last feeding) The RN was noted for all the procedure i have done, but she never explained why i must do this.:crying2:

3. when we aspirated it out until negative pressure, how is the stomach inside looks like? is it all the gastric juice also being aspirated out? empty inside?

Specializes in Adult Oncology.

This is one of those areas where we have to do what the patient's nurse says to do. If you feel uncomfortable, you can ask the nurse to explain, or you can tell the nurse "Please show me, as I'm not feeling sure of myself in this situation."

In your situation, I would have consulted with my instructor and explained my concerns.

Aspirating the stomach contents and then instilling the medications would not affect the absorbtion of the medication, as medications are not absorbed in the stomach. Some medications, like antacids can act directly in the stomach reducing the pH of the stomach contents, but most medications are absorbed into the body through the small intestine. The stomach breaks down large particles (like a cement mixer) using gastric acids and sends them through to the small intestine which then absorbs the nutrients/medication and sends the "stuff" through to the target areas of the body. Yes, it can cause irritation to give medications into an empty stomach; many medications are better taken with food. But the body will make more stomach acids.

Think of it like vomitting. When you vomit, you lose all of the stomach contents. Your stomach can be emptied completely. But once you feel better, you eat again, right? People who have vomitted still can take their oral medications (espcially if its an anti-emetic).

Thanks for helping me in solving my problem.

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