Question regarding surgery and use of greenfield filters.....


Specializes in Geriatrics.

:redbeatheDoes anyone have any knowledge about greenfield filters and when you should use one?? Would you expect one to be used if your patient is already at high risk for clotting after surgery due to dx of PAD, heavy smoker, high blood pressure etc?? Or is it usually at the discrection of the doc that helps make the decision if one should be used??

Thanks for any info

Specializes in ICU, Psych.

The biggest problems with any medical treatment is that there is no real standard. Although in theory there is are standards of treatment, each doc has her or his own philosophy and I have seen Greenfield's put in when I would not have expected them and none put in were everyone was sure they would put one in.

Anytime a patient is going to be in need of longterm anticoagulation but not able to be on it they will put one in. Also when someone is going to be immobile for a long time they may put one in even if they will be on anticoagulation. Also anytime we get a patient with Factor V Leiden or other hyper coagulation disorder they tend to put one in.

Trauma patients are many times good candidates because major trauma gets your coag messed up.

Hope that helps a bit!

:redbeathedoes anyone have any knowledge about greenfield filters and when you should use one?? would you expect one to be used if your patient is already at high risk for clotting after surgery due to dx of pad, heavy smoker, high blood pressure etc?? or is it usually at the discrection of the doc that helps make the decision if one should be used??

thanks for any info

i agree with michael. i've seen them employed typically after the fact: whenever medical anticoagulation fails... try surgical. preference is obviously, toward less intervention moving toward more, as indicated. individuals present entirely uniquely. finally, we ask of the provider... their experience. i'm a fan of ivc filters.


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