Published Feb 13, 2009
5 Posts
Hi, I am a nursing student living in Ontario. A couple of my classmates and I are doing a project on the frequency of the practice of needle recapping. We were assigned this topic to be specifically questioning nurses who have been in practice for 25 years +. We need to gather data on this group as to who recaps and who doesn't. I was hoping I might find some nurses in the province ( this is important because we can only use figures from Ontario) who would be willing to answer a few questions completely anonymously for the sake of having numbers to work with. We are also going to community and long term care but we doubted the compliance of the local hospital so I thought trying online might work :)
If you wish to participate you can answer me through private message but I will post the questions here:
Have you been a practicing nurse for 25 years or more?
(if no then please ignore this survey :) )
Do you recap after giving an injection?
If so, why do you recap?
a) you were taught to do so
b) its quicker
c)its safer
e) other -please specify
How do you feel about the adaptation to this practice? Do you feel that it would benefit you to alter your technique and refrain from recapping after injections?
Thank you to anyone who participates!!!!!!
loriangel14, RN
6,931 Posts
You would probably have better luck if you posted on the Canadian Forum.
Oh I didn't realize that there was one!!! Thank you :)