Question about endorsement

U.S.A. Florida


It's good to read the previous post about "Positive experiences with BON" in Florida. :) I have honestly heard horror stories about getting a license down there!

I am wanting to relocate from Ohio to the Titusville area. I have yet to send in my application to the Florida BON. My biggest concern is that I had a DUI 15 yrs ago. (STUPID) My former nursing instructor says it won't be a big problem since it was so long ago....just to tell the truth and write my letter of explaination and why I won't do it again. But i'm still a little worried. Anyone know if that will hold my permanent or temp status up?? I will provide the court document and everything. Heck, when I applied for my Ohio license I had to ASK our local courts to dig to find the old document! They still had it on the huge, big old book! Our little town is slightly behind! They had a hard time finding it, I'm not sure anyone else ever would have! But I wanted to make sure nothing was left out that could come back to haunt me even though the clerk was a little irritated, I didn't leave till I had a copy of that document! :)

I told my former instructor I had been fingerprinted more than a convicted felon d/t jobs with elderly and peds! Time is my only problem there.

Another concern of mine. On the endorsement app. it asks if you've been treated for any mental conditions within the last 5 yrs. I was treated for PTSD, depression and anxiety 4 yrs ago. Both my boys nearly died in a near drowning accident. My youngest still suffers from the anoxic brain injury. Will that effect my potential licensure? I will tell all, but am worried. It didn't effect my Ohio licensure.

Hoping for the best! Thanks for any input,


It's good to read the previous post about "Positive experiences with BON" in Florida. :) I have honestly heard horror stories about getting a license down there!

I am wanting to relocate from Ohio to the Titusville area. I have yet to send in my application to the Florida BON. My biggest concern is that I had a DUI 15 yrs ago. (STUPID) My former nursing instructor says it won't be a big problem since it was so long ago....just to tell the truth and write my letter of explaination and why I won't do it again. But i'm still a little worried. Anyone know if that will hold my permanent or temp status up?? I will provide the court document and everything. Heck, when I applied for my Ohio license I had to ASK our local courts to dig to find the old document! They still had it on the huge, big old book! Our little town is slightly behind! They had a hard time finding it, I'm not sure anyone else ever would have! But I wanted to make sure nothing was left out that could come back to haunt me even though the clerk was a little irritated, I didn't leave till I had a copy of that document! :)

I told my former instructor I had been fingerprinted more than a convicted felon d/t jobs with elderly and peds! Time is my only problem there.

Another concern of mine. On the endorsement app. it asks if you've been treated for any mental conditions within the last 5 yrs. I was treated for PTSD, depression and anxiety 4 yrs ago. Both my boys nearly died in a near drowning accident. My youngest still suffers from the anoxic brain injury. Will that effect my potential licensure? I will tell all, but am worried. It didn't effect my Ohio licensure.

Hoping for the best! Thanks for any input,


I believe that everything will work out just fine. The DUI is over 15 years old. And as far as the second situation that is understandable. I would be more worried if that event didn't bother you at all. I am wishing you the best and goodluck with your move.

Towanna RN

Thank you TowannaG, for your reply. :)

My former nursing instuctor said the same as you, but I guess I wanted to hear it from nurses in Florida. :)

I am still treated for anxiety. I also lost twins in June. I do still have some anxiety and nightmares from both situations, but I WILL get through it. My boys are here to help me....although sometimes it seems my oldest (he's almost 15...March 10th.....5 days after the drowning date) He's nearly 15 and showing every hormone known to puberty....and then some I could tell the experts about I think! :uhoh3:

LOL! I have gone from awesome, all-knowing mommy to a complete dingbat in his eyes in the matter of a very short time.

I guess I should be happy though, at least he's not embarrassed to kiss me in front of his friends anymore! How and when did that happen??? :uhoh21:

Teens confuse the heck out of me...and to think I used to be one! LOL!

I really do appreciate your reply. Thanks again......May I ask what general area you are? You can PM me if you want.

Thanks again!


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