Question for CCU or ICU nurses

Nurses General Nursing


I'm writing a novella online and one of my characters has been critically wounded via stabbing. She wakes to find herself in an ICU room and presses her call button.

Here's my question, and I would greatly appreciate any information you can provide:

When a call button is pushed by a patient who hasn't been awake for possibly weeks or months, what's the first response by the medical professionals on duty? Specifically, what does the patient see happen in the room?

She has a breathing tube and probably lung and major artery damage from the stabbing.

I'm sketchy on this because I've never been a patient or a worker in ICU. I've visited folks in ICU (or CCU -- what is the difference?) so I can describe a lot of the scene.

I'll be glad to attribute credit to anyone who helps (unless you'd rather leave yourself anonymous).

Thanks again!

StacieRN, thank you. Of course, I know that not everybody's response would be identical, but I did make adjustments because I want everything to be fairly authentic.

I won't post the whole thing here again, so I hope this link works for anybody who would like to read it (I would appreciate the feedback!). This story has not required much research, but the part that does, I want to get right.

Here it is (no pop-ups or ads or any malarkey like that):

Specializes in ICU, Med/Surg, Ortho.

Love it. Very enticing. I appreciate how hard you work to get the medical details right. I really hate when I'm reading a book and wrong information jars me out of the story.


StacieRN and everyone else who commented -- Thanks!

Thank you, too, StacieRN, for stopping by the site.

This is a wonderful community you nurses of every ilk have created. Any other professional group would be envious if they could see how you interact and help each other.

Even strangers!


Specializes in Cardiac.

I like it! Good job...

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