Published Jul 13, 2013
1 Post
Hi everyone, I'm a pharm tech in California, and just recently started thinking about getting into a nursing program. I screwed up a bit while I was in college, (was an A student, but got distracted by clubs and stuff), so I'm pretty sure my best bet is to hope I can get into a program with a lottery system.
Unfortunately, some of my screw ups led to some damage to some pre-reqs. My question is about this portion of the FAQ:
An applicant can repeat only one of the science courses. More than one (1) repetition of any of the science courses will disqualify the applicant. Repetition of a science course is defined as repeating a course due to a previous grade of "D", "F" or "W".
Is this regarding taking classes just at CCSF? Or over the course of every college you've attended?
I took Anatomy and Physio in 2006-07 and got F's in both, mainly because I wasn't showing up to class. I have since retaken those classes in 2010 and passed both. Am I disqualified from applying to CCSF?
My options are shrinking as I'm looking at all these program requirements. Contra Costa (CCC) seems to be the only one that fits so far.
Edit: Just thought about this.
Science courses must have been completed within the last 7 years at the time of enrollment to the Nursing program.
If they don't count passed (A, B, C grades) taken longer than 7 years ago towards pre-reqs... maybe they won't fall under the "repeat" rule, if the rule is regarding all colleges attended.
Medic2RN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
1,576 Posts
Moved to the California State Nursing Programs forum for more of a response.
254 Posts
I would think you are still eligible to apply. But I'm not completely sure. I would check with the CCSF Nursing Department. You can call or email them, they are very helpful and friendly.
However, I hope you are aware of their accreditation issue. CCSF may not even be around passed 2014.