Question about books/new student

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


So, I'm apologizing in advance of how dumb this question is, but I'm going to ask anyway. I haven't attended school in 20 something years and I'm registered to start LPN at a tech school in October. I just got all of my books for term 1 (7-8 VERY large books) and was wondering....Do I bring ALL of these books with me every day? On the first day? The very size of the books are enough to send me into a panic attack! Anyone out there with some tips/advice?

Specializes in N/A.

I was wondering the same thing. I have a catalog case on wheels for mine. I'm in school on Tuesdays for 9.5 hours and Thursdays for 6. Whether we uset hem or not I'll take them all because I have one hour in between one of the classes on Tuesday and Thursday and then a lunch break on Tuesday...I imagine I will be studying and reading some of that time. I'm leaving my text home for my online Sociology class.

I attended Spring 2009 Semester and DID use my book each time for Algebra and Psychology. For English I took the main text but left the others home unless the prof told us we needed them.

No way I could carry all these on my back.

That depends on your situation. If you have a car you should consider taking all the books to school but only carrying the ones you are actually going to use for the next class. As you get into the semester you will be able to tell which teachers expect you to have read the chapter already and want class time to be group discussion/lecture, and which teachers rely heavily on the book during lecture and notes.

So far my heaviest books have been my biology and mircobiology books. in both classes the teacher lectured from a powerpoint and conducted labs during class and we were expected to have read the chapter (or at least done the study guide) before we got to class, so I very rarely carried those books. hope this helps.

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