Question about accreditation.


Alright, so my friend told me that if an institution is not accreditted by the national league for nursing (NLN). The graduates will not be employed by major hospitals. This was her scenario, a graduate from stanbridge college in irvine transferred to west coast university. Once he graduated, he applied to St. Joseph's but was declined employment. Her reason for this was that, west coast university is not accreditted by the National League for Nursing (NLN).

My question is, does it really matter if it is accreditted by the NLN just to be employed? If so, why pay a high amount of money for an education that will not acquire a job/career?

In my opinion, I thought that as long as a school was accreditted. There is a degree. That person is more than qualified. The accreditation only depends upon which institutions accept transfers or credit for certain classes.

Can anyone give input on this for me?

My sister got a degree from Excelsior college 1 year ago. She was so happy just knowing she'd worked hard and finally would be getting good pay. What she found was most employers will not hire her. So much for claims of accreditation. Best to go to the nursing boards website. They have a list of approved nursing programs.

Specializes in cardiac,surgical,icu,dialysis.

Call the local hospital human resources. Ask them if they hire graduates from whatever nursing program you're considering. PS Don't enroll with Excelsior College. They are a total rip-off and you won't be able to work in many places. Do you really want a program with so many probems?

Specializes in Emergency.

yes. go to your board of nursing where you plan to take you nclex. it will tell you all the list of approved accredited programs. i know here in texas you can get a list of all the approved and they will give you a list of unapproved.

Ok. So the university is West Coast University. It is approved by the BRN. It is also accreditted by the ACICS. Currently, it is undergoing accreditation by the CCNE. If it passes the accreditation by CCNE, it should be alright. Thanks for the information. Anymore feedback would helpful as well.

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