qualifications for an ICU nurse?


hey, im in england and working towards a diploma in adult nursing, id love to work in the icu department, as that is where i can see myself headed in a few years time. after doing my 3 years of diploma, what would i need to do then to become an icu nurse? and what qualifications and training does everyone else have?

any comments and opinions would be greatly appreciated

thank you


Specializes in ICU.

hey, im in england and working towards a diploma in adult nursing, id love to work in the icu department, as that is where i can see myself headed in a few years time.

have you had any placements in itu or hdu yet? if not then speak to the uni and see what they can do; there should be an elective in your third year.

after doing my 3 years of diploma, what would i need to do then to become an icu nurse?

stating the obvious, the first thing is to get a job. assuming that you get a placement in itu that would give you some contacts. now if you can't get a job in itu it isn't the end of the world. if you work on a general medical or surgical ward first you will gain time management and other skills.

it might be that you can get a job in itu as a newly qualified - if so, make sure that there is a preceptorship programme and adequate support. itu is a fabulous place to work but there can be a very steep learning curve.

and what qualifications and training does everyone else have?

you will hear people mention 'the itu course' also known as the 'divorce course' this used to be the enb 100 or general intensive care nursing course. it is 60 level 3 credits and can be taken as part of the bsc in intensive care nursing. where i work any applicant for the itu course must have completed the itu competency book. then the applicant has to be interviewed and give a presentation on their contribution to critical care.

post registration nursing courses will depend on what funding is available - your employer may pay for courses if they will benefit your speciality. people in our itu are currently taking renal, diabetes, research or mentorship courses.

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