In order to save time, I will often pull meds from the Pyxis for more than one patient. For example, I'll get patient #1's meds, put them in a little zip-lock bag, put the Pyxis receipt with the patient's name into the bag and them zip it shut. Then I'll do the same for patient #2. So ultimately I have 2 or 3 ziplock bags containing meds and the related Pyxis receipt.
Several nurses have told me this is "bad" and not to do it. But I don't get what the problem is. When I get to the patient's room, I pull his ziplock and check everything against the MAR before giving the meds. The receipt is in the bag so anyone can see whose meds these are and what meds were taken from the Pyxis.
Will the meds from bag #1 jump into bag #2 by magic and change what's written on the Pyxis receipt? Seriously, am I missing something (I am pretty new)? Is there a Joint Commission ruling on this? I have never had a problem doing this, and it does save time.